Wow, some exciting news! Stampin Up is going to be having a "colour renovation" in September with the new Idea Book and Catalogue!
Some of our current colours will be discontinued and there will be some brand new colours introduced, along with the return of some of our favourite in-colours!
Our colours will then be organised into 4 Colour Collections, rather than the Colour Families we know at the moment. Some of the colours have moved into different collections and I just love the way they look - so fresh and vibrant!
There's still quite a bit of time before this comes into effect so don't worry - you will have plenty of time to collect any of your favourite colours that may be discontinued.
If you have favourties that you just can't live without, its a great idea to purchase the ink refill bottle so that your inkpad can last almost forever! And you might like to purchase a pack or 2 of the matching cardstock to see you through.
Personally, I know that I will fall in love with the new collections just as much as I love the current ones so I am not too worried. I do love Kiwi Kiss though so I may have to stock up on that one! LOL!
You'll see and hear more about this as September draws closer, but for now, enjoy your colours and keep stamping!